9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Interventions with HIV & AIDS infected cases

Care and support services are implemented to provide assistance to 80 infected cases in 2 (two) Clusters. Targeted interventions for the Control of HIV & AIDS epidemics are undertaken in the target location. Nutritious food items, Community Based Rehabilitation for undertaking Income Generation Programs, Sensitization sessions on safe sex practices, ART, Counseling / Referral / Consultation services and Advocacy & Lobbying services are extended. Three Counselors and one Coordinator are involved in the process.

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This is our organization's approach for the empowerment of the poor & downtrodden population. Based on this our Vcare4U has been enhancing various programs since of its inception by 2015.

Contact Us

address: Off: H. No 7-93/2 Aliyabad X-Road (M) Shamerpet (D) Medchal, TS
H.No:7-93/2,Aliabad X-Road,Shamirpet(M),Medchal(D),T.S
email: vcare4unetwork@gmail.com
phone: 9553881236

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